Dreaming Peace
books , products and workshops
to create a more peaceful world

Children will learn the creative power of thought and imagination, when the write, draw and sleep on their dream pillow. With the use of washable felt tip pens, this nightly ritual becomes an ongoing process to support our children to become more aware and conscious of the fact that they have the power to make positive changes in their lives. These pillow cases can also be used in art therapy and other therapies for children.
"A place you can draw
A place you can write
Your dreams and your wishes
Each and every night
On the pillow that holds your head
When you go to bed
Think good thoughts
That create good things
I'm Blue Spot Orange Dot
Here to remind you
Of what you've got"
"I wanted to let you know how delighted my client was this morning with his book and pillow. We spent a long time decorating it with our hopes, dreams and wishes and he can't wait to use it this evening. One set has also gone to a nurture group for children with behavioural and emotional difficulties." Katy Wise - Free Spirit Holistic Therapies.U.K
."My daughter chooses which page she wants me to read and then she draws." Words of a mother who's daughter has become addicted to this book. Ayelet
"This book opened conversation between me and Gal which helped him see that he was interpreting things in a harmful way. With time he started to draw beautiful pictures of hope." Sally
"I've noticed that my daughter is much more peaceful. Like something inside her has calmed down. She loves our time together and so enjoys creating on her pillow." Osnat
Suggestions to take care of the pillow case:
When the pillow case is washed, the picture drawn will wash off but the white might not be so white anymore, maybe some hues of the color remain...It will not distract from creating the next drawing. There are some products on the market that will absorb the color. (Woolite - Color Protection and
Shout - Color Catcher)
Best to draw on a flat surface and not on the pillow.
I also suggest that your child sleeps on the Butterfly print rather than what they have drawn to avoid direct contact with the colors even though they are non toxic and water based. Be sure the colours have dried before putting the case on the pillow and you might want to put another pillowcase under this one.
Better not to sleep on the pillow with wet hair as it might smudge the drawing and upset the child.
Extra pillowcases can be ordered!